Message from Revd Bobbie on Wed 18th March 2020

You will probably have heard by now that all church services, meetings, organisations etc., are to be suspended. I am communicating this news with the utmost sadness as we approach the 125 Anniversary of the foundation of our parish church. At a time of unprecedented crisis the impulse for many is to turn to the church for guidance and support. Our challenge is to continue to give that guidance and support making use of all the resources available to us. Now more than ever we have an opportunity to put our faith into action. We can reach out to each other by offering small acts of kindness and by phoning , texting and email and we can all pray. I will be posting regular updates on face book and publishing the weekly service sheet on our web site.
The young people have chosen all the hymns for this Sunday 22 March.

weekly service sheet - Sunday 22nd March

This is a new and ever changing situation. Canon Ken( tel: 07922358091) and I (tel: 07746583470) are available for pastoral support by phone. Don’t hesitate to contact either of us for prayer or just a chat. There is no need for anyone to feel isolated or alone, let us make sure that we keep in touch with each other.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

With my love, prayers and blessing.
Revd. Bobbie.